Incomplete Education
Synopsis You'll find everything you forgot from school--as well
as plenty you never even learned--in this all-purpose reference book, an
instant classic when it first appeared in 1987. The updated version takes
a whirlwind tour through 12 different disciplines, from American studies
to philosophy to world history. Along the way, Judy Jones and William Wilson
provide a plethora of useful information, from the plot of Othello to the
difference between fission and fusion. It's not a shortcut to cultural
literacy, the authors write in their introduction, but it's an excellent
"way in" to the building blocks of Western civilization: the "books, music,
art, philosophy, and discoveries that have, for one reason or another,
managed to endure." Think of it as finishing school for your brain; study
up and you'll gain a lifetime's worth of cocktail conversation--as well
as a new list of books you simply must read.
Mason's Original Homeschooling Series
Synopsis This is the complete works of the turn-of-the-century
British educator, Charlotte Mason. The six-volume set includes over 2400
pages of the finest material ever written on education, child training
and parenting. Recognized as the pioneer in home education and major school
reforms, Charlotte Mason's practical methods are as revolutionary today
as when they were first written.
A.D.D. Hyperactivity Workbook for Parents, Teachers, and Kids
Education: Homeward Bound
This one is a "must have" for all Catholic Homeschoolers
Johnny Can't Read
We used this book to teach our son to read at 3 years old.
Kingfisher Young People's Encyclopedia of the United States
Synopsis Illustrated with more than 2,000 full-color maps, charts,
graphs, illustrations and photographs, this comprehensive reference covers
every aspect of our country, from geography to history, science to the
arts, biographies to state statistics. Features 1,200 alphabetical entries.
Science Chef Travels Around the World: Fun Food Experiments and Recipes
for Kids
Synopsis Every chapter in this educational and entertaining
book contains several facts on each of the 14 countries represented, an
experiment related to a basic food ingredient typical of that country and
recipes for a complete meal based on the food used in the experiment. Explains
scientific concepts such as viscosity by experimenting with honey (Egypt)
or how osmosis works by soaking cucumbers in vinegar (France). Features
over 60 kid-tested, simple, quick recipes and experiments that can be done
with easy-to-obtain ingredients and standard kitchen equipment.
on Earth : A Geografunny Guide to the Globe
Synopsis Here's an introduction to geography disguised as a
comic book. Includes glossary, index, and maps of every continent, with
each country labeled. Full-color illustrations. It is a whimsical introduction
to the principles of geography features more than two hundred illustratons
and maps designed to help young readers understand geographical concepts
and terms and how geography affects the lives of people around the world.
Complete Book of Fingermath
Teach your fingers to act like a calculator. You will be able to do
Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, and simple Algebra by
using your fingers. Discover the magic of having "99" fingers!
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