Grades 4 - 5 - 6
Language Arts
Literature-Based Texts
Social Studies/History


Grade 4

Grade 5

Grade 6


Study of the Commandments 
Bible History 
Before Christ - B.C. 
Anno Domini - A.D. (in the year of our Lord) 
Lives of the Saints 

·  Bl. Kateri Tekawitha

·  Bl. Junipero Serra

·  St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

·  St. Francis Cabrini

·  St. Isaac Joques

·  St. Joan of Arc

·  St. John Neumann

·  St. Martin de Porres

·  St. Rose of Lima

·  St. Vincent de Paul

·  Continue to develop an understanding of the

·  Christian way of life through a study of the Beatitudes, the Ten commandments and the Commandment of Love, traditions of the liturgy, the Sacraments of Initiation, and various forms of prayer and service.

·  Help the student to perceive that it is within the community of the Church, with the power of the Holy Spirit, that the people of God are enabled to live this Christian way of life.

·  Review the prayers already learned: Sign of the Cross, Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be, Act of Contrition, and the Apostles' Creed.

·  Review the Joyful, Sorrowful, and Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary.

·  Introduce the Latin versions of: Pater Noster (Our Father)Ave Maria (Hail Mary)

·  Gloria(Glory Be)

·  Continue to learn responses for Mass.

·  Continue to provide opportunities for spontaneous prayer.

·  Study stories from both the Hebrew and Christian Scriptures.

·  Continue to study the difference between the Hebrew (Old) and Christian (New) Scripture.

·  Study the idea of covenant as it is related to the life of the Church, the life of Jesus, and individual lives.

·  Introduce and study each of the Ten Commandments and the Beatitudes.

·  Help children form a right conscience.  The fourth grade student should study, discuss, and develop an appreciation of honesty, concern for all people who need help, and understanding of fairness.

·  Introduce and study each of the Ten Commandments.

·  Increase understanding of Kingdom of God.

·  Increase understanding of the two Great Commandment of Love.

·  Develop understanding and appreciation of the power and the gifts of the Holy Spirit in the life of the student.

·  Develop understanding that sin is the greatest obstacle we face in our efforts to love God and neighbor.

·  Foster an appreciation of the lives of the Saints.
Liturgy / Sacraments 

·  Explore more fully the parts of the Liturgical year: Advent, Christmas, Lent and Easter.

·  Develop more understanding about the sacrament of Reconciliation and how it helps us to seek and give forgiveness and grow in love.  Students should be encouraged to receive this sacrament regularly.

·  Begin to develop understanding and appreciation for the historical traditions behind the components of the Mass:  Penitential, Gloria, Readings, Gospel, Homily, Profession of Faith, Prayers of Petition, Eucharist Prayer, Fraction Rite, Communion, Our Father, Amen, Prayer for Peace, followed by the Dismissal rite.

·  Students should be given opportunities to help prepare the Mass as well as participate as lectors, gift bearers, etc.

·  Develop understanding that within the Church, we celebrate Eucharist, pray, share the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and try to live according to the Law of Love and the beatitudes.

·  Develop understanding of how the Holy Spirit works within the Church to help its members grow in their love of God.

·  Introduce students to the Laws of the Church.
Justice / Peace 

·  Explore ways to be more just and peaceful in building God's Kingdom - in the classroom, on the playground, in the home, in the community.

·  Develop understanding that to be a Christian is to be an involved citizen.

·  Develop a sense of fairness and justice as global awareness is fostered.
Service / Christian Witness 

·  Develop the understanding that the works of mercy help show love for Jesus.

·  Introduce the concept that the Ten Commandments help us to live in freedom, justice and peace.
Develop understanding that to live as a Christian means to share gifts and talents with the family and with others.

Living like Christ 
Gospel stories 
Lives of the Saints 

·  St. Elizabeth

·  St. John the Baptist

·  St. Matthew the Evangelist

·  St. Mark the Evangelist

·  St. Luke the Evangelist

·  St. John the Evangelist

·  St. Mary Madgeline

·  St. Peter the Apostle

·  St. Paul the Apostle

·  St. Stephen

·  St. Thomas the Apostle

·  Lazarus, Martha and Mary

·  Help the student grow in appreciation of the Church as a worshipping community, of Christ's action among us in the Eucharist liturgy and in the Sacraments.

·  Help the student become a conscious and active member of the Church through an appreciation and celebration of its sacramental life.

·  Review the prayers already learned: Sign of the Cross, Our Father, Hail Mary, of Contrition, Apostles' Creed and the Rosary.

·  Study the Gloria and the Nicene Creed.

·  Provide opportunities for students to use formal, informal and spontaneous prayer.

·  Provide opportunities for students to participate in the celebration of the liturgy.

·  Continue to use stories from both the Hebrew and Christian Scripture to support instruction.

·  Help students to value the Liturgy of Word as an important part of the  Mass.

·  Continue to develop understanding of the Ten Commandments: which, along with the Beatitudes and the Gospel values given by Jesus Christ, are the basis of Christian Morality with social ramifications.

·  Deepen awareness and appreciation of the Beatitudes and the Spiritual and Corporal works of Mercy.

·  Continue to emphasize that sin is a choice for what we know is wrong and that we are responsible for the consequences.

·  Continue to develop the student's awareness of the special place in the Church occupied by Mary.

·  Foster an appreciation of Jesus as the revealer of God and God's love.

·  Continue to foster an understanding and appreciation of Jesus as the Redeemer of humanity.

·  Assist students to appreciate the virtues of faith, hope and love.

·  Introduce sacramentals and help students to understand that they are reminders of God's presence with us and his unconditional love for us.
Liturgy / Sacraments 

·  Introduce and study each of the seven sacraments.

·  Help students gain an appreciation of the Liturgical Seasons, Holy Days, and the Mass as the central act of Christian worship.

·  Begin to develop understanding and appreciation for the historical traditions behind the components of the Mass:  Penitential, Gloria, Readings, Gospel, Homily, Profession of Faith, Prayers of Petition, Eucharistic Prayer, Fraction Rite, Communion, Our Father, Amen, Prayer for Peace, and the Dismissal Rite.

·  Instruct students about the three-cycle agenda of readings; cycles A, B and C.

·  Review the marks of the Church:  One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic.

·  Develop understanding of the Church as the "Body of Christ" and the "People of God".
Justice / Peace 

·  Enrich the understanding that men and women all over the world form one family of God and that we are interdependent people living as a global community.

·  Help students to comprehend and value that God created all people equal.
Service / Christian Witness 

·  Recall with students how Christian living involves imitating Christ who "came not to be served but to serve".

·  Encourage students to make themselves available to the parish community for service.

Following Christ
The Ten Commandments
The Mass
Liturgical Calendar
Lives of the Saints

·  St. Bernard

·  St. Francis de Sales

·  St. Francis Xavier

·  St. Helen

·  St. Jerome

·  St. Maria Goretti

·  St. Peter Claver

·  St. Therese of Lisieux

·  St. Teresa of Avila

·  St. Thomas the Apostle

·  St. Thomas Aquinas

·  Assist the student to see the Bible as the Word of God which tells the story of God's people, of  the events of their lives, and of his loving concern in helping them.

·  Help the student be aware that God continues to be revealed through scripture, in the church community and in our lives.

·  Review the prayers already taught: Sign of the Cross, Our Father, Hail Mary, Act of Contrition, Apostles' Creed and the Rosary.

·  Learn the "Memorare".

·  Assist students in composing prayers and praying spontaneously.

·  Assist students to gain an understanding of God's saving action as shown in the Old Testament Scripture. The emphasis should be on major events and persons and the idea of covenant should be stressed.

·  Review the New Testament Scripture, primarily in the area of the new covenant given by Jesus.

·  Continue to help students develop an appreciation of  the Bible as the "Word of God".

·  Present a brief and simple explanation of the literary forms of the Bible.

·  Involve children in discussion of moral dilemmas and the consequences of one's actions.

·  Encourage students to respect life and the basic human rights of all people.

·  Continue to study the Ten Commandments and how they effect the lives of Christians.

·  Review with students a basic understanding of God's revelation through

·  Scripture and Tradition and how God continues to speak to us today.

·  Continue to examine and talk about the concept of Kingdom of God.
Liturgy / Sacraments

·  Acquaint students with the major feast days of the Church and provide opportunities for celebration.

·  Provide opportunities for students to become more fully aware of the reality of sin and of God's loving forgiveness through the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

·  Nurture an appreciation of the Eucharist as "banquet", "sacrifice" and memorial" of

·  Christ's death and resurrection.

·  Help students to realize the special position of Mary in the Church through the

·  celebration of her major feast days.

·  Continue to develop an appreciation and knowledge of the liturgical year, particularly in the seasons of Advent, Christmas, Lent and Easter.

·  Introduce the concept of Ecumenism.

·  Foster an appreciation for the concept that the "universal" church is realized in the "local" Church (diocese and parish).

·  Help students become aware of the role of the pastor and associate pastors. 

·  Discuss role of the laity in the service of the parish.
Justice / Peace

·  Guide students to recognize that to be a Christian means to be an active citizen concerned about the world and its problems.

·  Help students to become aware of racial and religious prejudices and how to work

·  toward overcoming them.

·  Encourage students to seek non-violent ways to resolve conflicts in their daily lives.
Service / Christian Witness

·  Introduce and develop the idea of "discipleship" both in Jesus' time and how we are called to discipleship for today.

·  Review the lives of the Saints and discuss how they reflect Jesus' service to humanity in light of our own call to service.

Language Arts


·  Short stories, chapter books, poetry, and plays

·  Novels and plots

·  Silent reading

·  Read orally with ease

·  Choral reading

·  Presenting stories, plays, puns, riddles, and jokes for entertainment
Study Skills 

·  Use a library card catalogue and encyclopedia to locate information

·  Using a Bibliography

·  Parts of the newspaper

·  Telephone directory skills

·  Understand word meanings by knowing a root word and adding a variety of prefixes and suffixes

·  Use nominative, objective, and possessive forms correctly

·  Correctly identify and use:
     Regular and Irregular Verbs 

·  Increased legibility and speed in cursive

·  Correctly spell words most commonly used

·  Increased Dictionary skills

·  Simple outlining

·  Use a wide variety of words to express feelings and ideas

·  Delete superfluous information from own writing

·  Write several connected and well-constructed paragraphs
     -Correct margins 
     -Indented words 
     -All one topic 

·  Edit and revise own work

·  Write personal letters with correct form

·  Choose a title for a story

·  Written and oral book reports

·  Actively listen in a variety of situations

·  Listening to literature and poetry

·  Select from an oral presentation information needed

·  Following multi-step oral directions

·  Explain how to do something

·  Adapt the content and presentation of a speech to fit the audience


·  Distinguish between formal and informal (colloquial) language and their proper uses

·  Literal and figurative language
     Imagery and symbolism 
     Sounds in poetry 
     Onomatopoeia and Alliteration 

·  Pen Names

·  Explain the feelings of characters

·  Make wise judgments about what is heard and read

·  Detect the use of propaganda or exploitation

·  Silent reading

·  Adjust the method and rate of reading according to purpose

·  Read different types of literature - Tragedy and Comedy
Study Skills 

·  Use parts of a book:  Preface, copyright page

·  Use a thesaurus

·  Use a variety of graphic sources for information
     Maps and globes 
     Scale drawings 
     Charts and graphs 
     Pictures and diagrams 
     Transportation schedules 

·  Parts of a newspaper

·  Use of study materials:
     Library file cards 
     Table of Contents 
     Reference Materials 

·  Synonyms, antonyms and homonyms

·  Plurals and possessives

·  Agreement in gender and number

·  Personal pronouns

·  Similes and metaphors

·  Use correct subject-verb agreement

·  Linking verbs

·  Use correct forms of regular and common irregular verbs

·  Use adverbs in writing sentences

·  Know the restrictions against using double negatives

·  Direct and indirect objects

·  Nominative and Objective cases

·  Possessive cases

·  Kinds of sentences and parts of sentences

·  Cursive handwriting

·  Spell increasingly complex words

·  Dictionary use for word meaning, analysis, and spelling

·  Outlining

·  Paragraph writing

·  Preparing a simple bibliography

·  Personification

·  Write first and third-person stories

·  Write personal letters and envelopes with correct form

·  Write a play, stories, reports, and poetry

·  Proofreading skills

·  Follow the logical organization of an oral presentation

·  Make organized oral presentations

·  Use a set of reasons to persuade a group

·  Participate on committees for problem-solving in groups

·  Prioritize facts in order of importance


·  Reading silently and skimming

·  Recognize and use personification in stories

·  Analysis of poetry
      Rhyme Scheme
      Free verse
Study Skills

·  Use periodicals and reference works to locate information

·  Use an atlas: locate places by longitude and latitude 

·  Organization of a book

·  Using reference books and indexes 

·  Simple note taking

·  Bibliography building

·  Write and use footnotes and appendices

·  Write a simple bibliography

·  Concept of noun, pronoun, verb, adjective, and adverb 

·  Use quotations with certain titles

·  Dependent and independent clauses

·  Four types of sentences

·  Use semicolons and colons properly

·  Use "well" and "good" appropriately

·  Identify direct objects of verbs

·  Sentence diagramming

·  Homonyms, Synonyms, and Antonyms

·  Cursive handwriting

·  Using roots, prefixes, and suffixes 

·  Vocabulary building 

·  Use dictionary to determine word origins and histories

·  More complex spelling

·  Sentence structure

·  Include a wide variety of sentences in paragraphs

·  Writing narration, description, exposition, and persuasion

·  Writing outlines, letter, factual matter: reports, newspaper articles

·  Writing verse (limericks, ballads)

·  Writing creative prose (diaries, stories)

·  Write business letters using correct form

·  Increase listening skills

·  Determine a speaker's motive, bias, point of view

·  Use a wide and appropriate variety of rate, volume, and physical movement in oral presentation

Liturature-Based Texts

·  Myths from Medieval England

·  The Sword in the Stone

·  The Legend of King Arthur and the

·  Knights of the Round Table

·  Historical chronicles

·  Historical fiction

·  Biographies

·  Autobiographies

·  Newspaper articles

·  Children's Magazines

·  Adler-Cam Jensen&the Mystery of the Stolen Diamonds

·  Aiken-The Moon's Revenge

·  Alcott-Little Women

·  Atwater-Mr. Popper's Penguins

·  Bolton-Fr. Junipero Serra

·  Bond-Paddington Bear

·  Buck-Big Wave

·  Butterworth-The Enormous Egg

·  Byars-Beans on the Roof

·  Byers-Not Just Anybody Family

·  Catling-The Chocolate Touch

·  Christopher-The Dog That Stole Footballs

·  Clark-Father Kimo, Priest to the Pimas

·  Cleary-The Mouse and the Motorcycle (series)

·  Cleary-Ramona the Pest

·  Cohen-Molly's Pilgrim

·  Conford-Jenny Archer, Author

·  Corbett-The Case of the Ticklish Tooth

·  D'Aulaire-Columbus

·  Dahl-James and the Giant Peach

·  Defoe-Robinson Crusoe

·  Delton-Angel's Mother's Baby

·  Derleth-Father Marquette and the Great River

·  Dillon-What's Happened to Harry

·  Fleishnam-By the Great Horn Spoon

·  Greenwald-Valentine Rose

·  Havill-It Always Happens to Leona

·  Heide-Banana Blitz

·  Hildick-The Case of the Invisible Dog

·  Honeycutt-All New Jonah Twist

·  Howe-Bunnicula

·  Hurwitz-Aldo Ice Cream

·  Hurwitz-Hot and Cold Summer

·  Irving-Rip Van Winkle

·  Irving-The Legend of Sleepy Hollow

·  Keller-Desdemona:Twelve Going on Desperate

·  Leach-The Thing at the Foot of the Bed

·  LeGuin-Catwings

·  Levy-Dracula is a Pain in the Neck

·  Lindgren-Pippi Longstocking

·  Lomask-St. Isaac and the Indians

·  Maclachlan-Arthur for the First Time

·  Martin-Ma and Pa Dracula

·  McCloskey-Homer Price

·  O'Dell-Island of the Blue Dolphins

·  Parish-Haunted House

·  Pearce-Lion at School and Other Stories

·  Pinkwater-Fat Men from Space

·  Prelutsky-New Kid on the Block

·  Rockwell-How to Eat Fried Worms

·  Sceiszka-True Story of the 3 Little Pigs: by a Wolf

·  Silverstein-Where the Sidewalk Ends

·  Sobol-Encyclopedia Brown (Series)

·  Smith-The Show and Tell War

·  Smith-War With Grandpa

·  Sommer/Bodenberg-If You Want to Scare Yourself

·  Swift-Gulliver's Travels-Part I

·  Wilder-Little House Books

·  Winthrop-Castle in the Attic

·  Young-Lon Po Po: A Red Riding Hood Story from China

·  The Sun Dance-Plains Indians Folktale

·  Afternoon on a Hill-St.Vincent Millay

·  Hiawatha's Childhood-Longfellow

·  Columbus-Miller

·  America for Me-Van Dyke

·  Sea Fever-Masefield

·  Christmas Everywhere-Brooks

·  The Duel-Field

·  The Fool's Prayer-Sill

·  The Bells-Poe

·  Spring-Tennyson

·  Requiem-Stevenson

·  Christopher Columbus-Benet

·  Hernando De Soto-Benet

·  Pocahontas-Benet

·  Captain Kidd-Benet

·  George Washington-Benet
Sayings and Phrases 

·  Haste makes waste

·  Live and let live

·  When it rains it pours

·  Blow hot and cold

·  Beauty is only skin deep

·  Seeing is believing

·  As the crow flies

·  Break the ice

·  Bull in the china shop

·  Bury the hatchet

·  Can't hold a candle to

·  Etc.

·  Go to pot

·  Land of Nod

·  Make ends meet

·  Once in a blue moon

·  On the warpath


·  Run-of-the-mill

·  Shipshape

·  Through thick and thin

·  Timbuktu

·  Lightning never strikes in the same place twice

·  An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure

·  Don't count your chickens before they hatch

·  The bigger they are the harder they fall

·  Don't put all your eggs in one basket

·  One picture is worth a thousand words

·  Money burning a hole in your pocket

·  Birds of a feather flock together

·  Half a loaf is better than none

·  Make hay while the sun shines

·  Two wrongs don't make a right

·  The early bird gets the worm

·  Laugh, and the world laughs with you; weep, and you weep alone

·  You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink

·  Advertising

·  Mysteries

·  Detective fiction

·  Adventure tales

·  Current Events-Newspaper articles

·  Armstrong-Sounder

·  Brink-Caddie Woodlawn

·  Cleary-Dear Mr. Henshaw

·  de Cervantes-Adventures of Don Quixote

·  Doyle-Adventures of Sherlock Holmes

·  Forbes-Johnny Tremain

·  Homer-The Iliad and the Odyssey

·  Lincoln-Gettysburg Address

·  Nevins-Builders of Catholic America

·  Shakespeare-Julius Caesar

·  Twain-The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

·  Benjamin Franklin-Benet

·  John Adams-Benet

·  George Washington-Benet

·  John Paul Jones-Benet

·  John Quincy Adams-Benet

·  Lewis and Clark-Benet

·  Jesu dulcis memoria-St. Bernard of Clairveux (English Translation G.M. Hopkins)

·  The Destruction of Sennecharib-Lord Byron

·  Jabberwocky-Carroll

·  The Concord Hymn-Emerson

·  Battle Hymn of the Republic-Howe

·  The Spider and the Fly-Howitt

·  The Star Spangled Banner-Francis Scott Key

·  The Arrow and the Song-Longfellow

·  Paul Revere's Ride-Longfellow

·  Ballad of John Henry-Perkins

·  Sheridan's Ride-Read

·  Fog-Sandburg

·  Casey at the Bat-Thayer

·  O Captain! My Captain!-Whitman

·  Solitude-Wilcox
Sayings and Phrases 

·  Bite the hand that feeds you

·  Catch forty winks

·  Chip on your shoulder

·  Count your blessings

·  Eureka!

·  Few and far between

·  Every cloud has a silver lining

·  Lock, stock, and barrel

·  Great oaks from little acorns

·  Sit on the fence

·  Kill two birds with one stone

·  Read between the lines

·  Make a mountain out of a molehill

·  Vice versa

·  A penny saved is a penny earned

·  Steal his/her thunder

·  Take the bull by the horns

·  Time heals all wounds

·  A watched pot never boils

·  Well begun is half done

·  What will be, will be

·  The grass is always greener on the other side

·  Out of the frying pan and into the fire

·  Where there's a will, there's a way

·  When in Rome, do as the Romans do

·  Introduction to mythology

·  Bullfinch's
     Apollo and Daphne
     Orpheus and Eurydice
     Echo and Narcissus
     Cupid and Psyche

·  Types of literature

·  Lyric, narrative, and dramatic poetry

·  Adamson-Born Free

·  Bishop-The Secret Cave

·  Brink-Caddie Woodlawn

·  Burnett-The Secret Garden

·  Dickens-Oliver Twist

·  George-My Side of the Mountain

·  Henry-Brighty of Grand Canyon

·  Irving-Rip Van Winkle

·  John F. Kennedy: Inaugural Address

·  Martin Luther King, Jr.: "I Have a Dream"

·  Kipling-Captains Courageous

·  Mooyart-Anne Frank:the Diary of a Young Girl

·  O'Brien-Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH

·  O'Dell-The Island of the Blue Dolphin

·  Rawlings-The Yearling

·  Seredy-The Singing Tree

·  Shakespeare-Romeo and Juliet

·  Wiggin-Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm

·  All the World's a Stage-Shakespeare 

·  A Psalm of Life-Longfellow

·  The Charge of the Light Brigade-Tennyson 

·  The Children's Hour-Longfellow 

·  Father William-Carroll 

·  I Like to See It Lap the Miles-Dickenson 

·  Jabberwocky-Caroll

·  The Lake Isle of Innisfree-Yeats 

·  The Raven-Poe 

·  The Road Not Taken-Frost 

·  This is Just to Say-Williams

·  Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening-Frost 

·  Sympathy-Dunbar
Sayings and Phrases 

·  All for one and one for all 

·  All's well that ends well

·  To bite the dust 

·  Catch as catch can

·  Eat humble pie 

·  Give the devil his due

·  Good fences make good neighbors 

·  He who hesitates is lost

·  He who laughs last laughs best 

·  To have the last laugh

·  Little strokes fell great oaks 

·  Hitch your wagon to a star 

·  Money is the root of all evil 

·  Nose out of joint

·  It's not over till it's over 

·  On tenderhooks

·  Nothing will come of nothing 

·  Once bitten, twice shy

·  Nothing comes of nothing 

·  R.I.P.

·  Pot calling the kettle black 

·  Rule of thumb

·  Rome wasn't built in a day 

·  A stitch in time saves nine

·  Strike while the iron is hot 

·  Tempest in a teapot

·  To have a bee in your bonnet 

·  Tenderfoot 

·  Truth is stranger than fiction 

·  Wolf in sheep's clothing

·  The best-laid plans of mice and men go oft awry 

·  A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush 

·  Don't cut off your nose to spite your face 

·  If wishes were horses, beggars would ride 

·  The proof of the pudding is in the eating 

·  There's more than one way to skin a cat 

·  A fool and his money are soon parted 

·  Don't look a gift horse in the mouth

·  Necessity is the mother of invention

·  Procrastination is the thief of time 

·  A friend in need is a friend indeed 

·  Leopard can't change its spots 

·  Gracias 

·  Mademoiselle, Madame, Monsieur

·  Senorita, Senora, Senor 

·  Merci

·  Touche'


Read, count, and write numbers from 1 to 1,000,000 
Place Value 
Standard and Expanded Forms 
Commas and Place Value 
Comparing Numbers 
Problem solving methods 
Word problems 
Working with U.S. Customary and Metric System units of measurement 
Find simple averages 
Prime numbers less than 100 
Prime factoring 
Numeration systems 
Charts and graphs 
Know Roman numerals from I to C 
Know money value of all denominations 

·  Large Sums

·  Add any whole numbers

·  Mental addition

·  Large Differences

·  Subtract any whole numbers

·  Mental subtraction

·  Review of multiplication

·  Properties of multiplication

·  Multiples

·  Multiplying by tens

·  Multiplying Two-digit numbers

·  Checking multiplication

·  Multiplying money

·  Multiplying hundreds

·  Multiplying Three-digit numbers

·  Multiplying with Zeros

·  Mental multiplication with zeros

·  Multiplying three numbers

·  Writing division answers

·  Understanding remainders

·  Zeros in quotients

·  Dividing larger numbers

·  Mental Division

·  Factors & Common Factors

·  Common multiples

·  Dividing by tens

·  Dividing Two-digit numbers

·  Adjusting the quotient

·  Dividing by thousands

·  Estimating quotients

·  Planes and rays

·  Types of angles

·  Perpendicular lines

·  Parallel lines

·  Radius and diameter

·  Recognize spheres, cylinders, cubes

·  Polygons

·  Circles

·  Triangles

·  Quadrilaterals

·  Diagonals

·  Parallelograms

·  Rectangles

·  Squares

·  Points on a grid

·  Formula for the area of a triangle

·  Perimeter and Area

·  Solids

·  Volume

·  Similar figures

·  Compare fractions with the same denominator

·  Fractions in the lowest terms

·  Meaning of mixed numbers

·  Improper fractions and mixed numbers

·  Writing remainders as fractions

·  Adding and subtracting fractions

·  Tenths, Hundredths, and Thousandths

·  Reading and writing decimals

·  Decimals as fractions

·  Writing decimals with zeros

·  Reading decimals on a number line

·  Comparing decimals

·  Rounding decimals

·  Adding and subtracting decimals

·  Money and decimals

·  Tell time to the nearest second

·  Changing units of time

·  Adding and subtracting time
Working with time through noon or midnight

·  Reading and writing numbers to 10 places

·  Estimate results, Rounding

·  Compute averages

·  Set of integers

·  Numeration systems

·  Word problems in daily life

·  Charts and graphs
     Picture, bar, line, and circle graphs 

·  Concept of sampling

·  Variables

·  Opposite operations, equations

·  Functions and inverse operations

·  Graphing functions

·  Writing and solving equations for word problems

·  Rates of speed

·  Add whole numbers

·  Adding fractions

·  Adding mixed numbers

·  Adding with different measurement units

·  Subtract whole numbers

·  Subtracting fractions

·  Subtracting with different measurement units

·  Multiplication and Division as opposite operations

·  Multiply whole numbers and fractions

·  Multiplying decimals by 10, 100, 1000

·  Multiplying decimals by decimals

·  Multiply using multiple digits

·  Multiply money

·  Multiplying time

·  Rules for Divisibility

·  Divide whole numbers

·  Dividing by 10, 100, 1000

·  Divide using multiple digits

·  Short division

·  Long division

·  Dividing decimals by whole numbers

·  Rounding decimal quotients

·  Writing zeros in the dividend

·  Dividing whole numbers without remainders

·  Checking divisions which are not exact

·  Dividing time
Fractions and Decimals 

·  Mixed numbers

·  Common and decimal fractions

·  Decimal place value

·  Decimals on the number line

·  Decimals to thousandths

·  Estimating decimal sums and differences

·  Estimating decimal products

·  Checking decimal products

·  Add fractions

·  Subtract fractions

·  Greatest common factor

·  Equivalent fractions

·  Lowest terms

·  Least Common Multiple

·  Comparing fractions

·  Fractions on the number line

·  Decimals, mixed numbers, and fractions

·  Exponents
Ratios and percent 

·  Scale

·  Percent with fractions and decimals

·  Finding a percent of a number

·  Read and use percentages

·  Measuring angles

·  Different kinds of triangles

·  Area review and metric units of area

·  Finding the area of a triangle

·  Finding the area of a parallelogram

·  Volume and surface area

·  Volume and capacity

·  Rhombus

·  Diagonals

·  Arc

·  Semicircle

·  Pyramid

·  Centers

·  Polygons

·  Constructing a Cube

·  Constructing a Rectangular Prism

·  Finding the Volume of a rectangular prism

·  Perimeter

·  Circumference

·  Cone

·  Congruent figures

·  Incongruent figures

·  Measuring temperature using Celsius and Fahrenheit

·  Changing units in the metric system

·  Changing U.S. Customary and Metric units of Volume

·  Measuring length to a sixteenth of an inch

·  Convert measurements
     Pints, quarts, gallons, milliliters, liters 

·  Make change

·  Time measurements from seconds to years

·  Measure and calculate elapsed time

·  Read, count, order, and write numbers to the trillions

·  Round any number to its nearest place

·  Factor prime numbers

·  Use decimals to the thousandth's place

·  Estimation

·  Properties

·  Expanded notation

·  Calculators and the Order of Operations

·  Greater Than or Equal To

·  Less Than or Equal To

·  Exponents

·  Expressions

·  Operations of powers

·  Scale drawings

·  Customary and metric measurement

·  Problem analysis

·  Probability

·  Mean, Median, Range, and Mode

·  Histogram

·  Making a circle graph

·  Possible outcomes using a tree diagram

·  Interpreting graphs

·  Setting up a proportion and proportional sets of numbers

·  Concepts of averages and sampling

·  Set of integers

·  Positive and negative integers

·  Opposite integers

·  Rules for integers

·  Rules for adding integers

·  Rule for adding opposite integers

·  Rule for subtracting integers

·  The coordinate plane

·  Graphing a function

·  Fundamental operations of compound denominate numbers
Addition and Subtraction

·  Add and subtract decimals

·  Find percentages
Multiplication and Division

·  Multiply and divide fractions and mixed numbers

·  Division notation

·  Dividing by decimals

·  Dividing by a decimal in fraction form

·  Multiplying and dividing numbers close to 1

·  Multiplying the Dividend and Divisor by other numbers

·  Relationship between common and decimal fractions

·  Writing mixed and whole numbers as fractions

·  Multiplying whole numbers and fractions

·  Multiplying mixed numbers

·  Reciprocals

·  Dividing mixed numbers

·  Word problems with fractions

·  Estimating fraction and mixed number products & quotients

·  Different forms of the same number

·  Writing fractions as percents

·  Percents greater than 100%

·  Increasing and decreasing an amount by a certain percent

·  Finding what percent one number is of another

·  Finding an unknown number when a percent is known

·  Rules of parallel and perpendicular lines

·  Properties of Parallelograms
    Rhombuses and Rectangles

·  Construction of a:
    Perpendicular Line

·  Bisecting an angle 

·  Constructing and angle congruent to a given angle

·  Angles of a triangle

·  Special triangles

·  Constructing special angles

·  Different signs in geometry

·  Concepts of similarity, congruence, and symmetry

·  Identify and measure angles and arcs

·  Identify types of triangles

·  Reflection

·  Calculate areas of triangles and rectangles

·  Rigid motions

·  Area and Volume

·  Formula for area

·  Changing units of area

·  Circumference of a circle

·  Area of a circle

·  Polyhedrons

·  Constructing cubes and rectangular prisms

·  Volume of a prism

·  Changing units of volume

Social Studies/History

Social Studies 

·  Reasons for our laws

·  Types of community life

·  State history and development - Blessed Junipero Serra

·  Missions in the State of California

·  Relation of state to its region, the nation, and world
World History 

·  The T'ang Dynasty of China

·  The Sung Dynasty

·  Ghengis Khan

·  Kublai Khan

·  The Travels of Marco Polo

·  The Ottoman Empire and the End of Byzantium
American History 

·  The American Revolution through the eyes of:
     George Washington 
     General Bernardo de Galvez 
     Marquis de Lafayette 

·  Valley Forge

·  Benedict Arnold

·  Molly Pitcher

·  Yankee Doodle

·  American Slavery

·  Development of the State and Federal Governments

·  The Articles of the Constitution

·  James Madison and The Constitutional Convention

·  George Washington: The first president

·  Taxation with representation

·  Political Parties

·  Thomas Jefferson

·  Alexander Hamilton

·  The War of 1812 and Tecumseh

·  James Monroe and the Monroe Doctrine

·  Andrew Jackson

·  The Mexican/American War

·  Dorothea Dix

·  Horace Mann and the Public Schools

·  Elizabeth Ann Seton

·  Women's Sufferage and the Right to Vote

·  Dividing the World into sections
     North Pole & South Poles 
     Eastern & Western Hemispheres 

·  Climatic regions: regions of the four seasons
     Hot, cold, and mild regions 

·  Mountainous regions

·  Earth's resources

·  Map skills:  Longitude, Latitude, Scale, Degree, Minutes

·  Using a globe

·  Time zones

·  Continents

·  Rivers

·  Mountains-location of the following:
     The Alps 
     The Andes 
     The Appalachians 
     The Atlas Mountains 
     Mont Blanc 
     The cordillera (backbone) 
     Mt. Everest 
     The Himalayas 
     Mt. Kilimanjaro 
     Mt. McKinley 
     The Rockies 
     The Urals 
    The Scandinavian Peninsula 

·  Middle East

·  The United States: Mountains and plains

Social Studies 

·  Government: principles and documents

·  Citizenship

·  Presidents

·  Life in the U.S. and its possessions
World History 

·  Fertile Crescent: Mesopotamian Civilizations

·  Egypt: The Nile River Valley

·  Indian Civilizations in the Americas
     The Mayan way of life and learning styles 
     The Ansazi-Pueblo Builders 
     The Aztecs: the eagle on the cactus 

·  Aztec religion

·  Montezuma and Cortes

·  The Incas

·  European Exploration

·  The Muslim control of trade

·  Early Portuguese explorations

·  Review of Christopher Columbus

·  Da Gama and Cabral

·  Magellan

·  Zheng He

·  The Dutch Explorers

·  The English Explorers

·  The New World Colonies

·  The Transatlantic Slave Trade

·  East Africa: the Swahili City-states

·  Renaissance Period

·  Islamic Civilization

·  The Medici Family

·  The invention of the printing press and the Bible

·  Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation

·  John Calvin

·  The Counter-Reformation

·  Henry VIII

·  Elizabeth I

·  Mary, Queen of Scots

·  The Spanish Armada

·  Feudal Japan
     Buddhism, Confucianism, Shintoism 

·  Russia
     Ivan the Great 
     Ivan the Terrible 
     Peter the Great 
     Catherine the Great 

·  Enlightenment
     France: Rene Descartes 
     Isaac Newton 

·  The French Revolution
     Louis XIV 
     Three estates and the old regime 
     Church, Nobility, general Public 
     The Monarch 

·  Napoleon & Waterloo
American History 

·  North and South Division

·  The Missouri Compromise

·  Uncle Tom's Cabin

·  Slave Resistance

·  The Dred Scot Decision

·  Abraham Lincoln

·  The Lincoln-Douglas debates

·  The Tenth Amendment to the Constitution

·  Lincoln Elected-Southern states secede

·  Fort Sumter: the beginning of the Civil War

·  Confederate & Union Soldiers

·  Robert E. Lee & Ulysses S. Grant

·  The Emancipation Proclamation

·  African-American troops in the Civil War

·  The Union Army's 54th Massachusetts Volunteers

·  The Battle at Gettysburg

·  Surrender at Appomattox

·  Lincoln assassinated by John Wilkes Booth

·  Reconstruction

·  Andrew Johnson

·  Black codes

·  The Freedmens Bureau

·  The impeachment of President Johnson

·  The 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments

·  Native American Indian Culture
     Indians of the Southwest 
     Indians of the Pacific Northwest 
     Indians of the Great Basin and the Plateau 
     The Great Plains Indians 

·  The Gold Rush and the Forty-Niners

·  The Pony Express

·  The Transcontinental Railroad

·  Cowboys

·  The American Indians removed to Reservations

·  The Indian Wars

·  The disappearance of the buffalo

·  The Sioux War of 1875-76: Little Big Horn

·  Attempts to assimilate the Indians

·  Splitting up the Reservations

·  The Age of Industry and Invention

·  Industrialism, Capitalists, and Monopolies

·  George Washington Carver

·  Immigrants

·  Reformers and the Reform Movements

·  Farmers and the Rise of Populism

·  Women struggle for equal rights

·  Theodore Roosevelt

·  The Cuban War and the Spanish-American War

·  Map and globe skills

·  Geographical Terminology
     Prime Meridian, Reference points, Map scale 
     Arctic Circle, Antarctic Circle, Tropics 
     Climate Zones, Time 

·  Formation of Lakes and Oceans
     Natural dams 
     Salty lakes and river sources 
     How Waves are formed 

·  Faults in the Earth's crust

·  Glaciers

·  Regions of the United States

·  Geography of the U.S. -  States and regions

·  Countries and cultures of the Western Hemisphere
     Central America, West Indies, South America 

·  Natural resources of the U.S.

·  Canada and Mexico

·  Relationship of the U.S. and Canada

·  Comparative cultures of Canada

Social Studies 

·  Our world, its diverse people and their societies

·  Countries and cultures of: 
     the Eastern Hemisphere
     the Western Hemisphere

·  Relationships among nations

·  Customs, traditions, beliefs

·  Political and economic systems

·  Milestones in human achievement

·  Transportation and communication

·  World trade

·  Citizenship and social responsibility

·  World History

·  Canadian History and Development

·  Independence in the Americas

·  Colonial Mexico
     Miguel Hidalgo
     Mexican Independence - Fr. Jose Maria Morelos
     Santa Anna
     The Mexican-American War
     Benito Juarez
     Porfirio Diaz
     Pancho Villa and Emiliano Zapata

·  Simon Bolivar

·  Jose de San Martin

·  Prince Pedro of Portugal

·  James Monroe and the Monroe Doctrine

·  Europe
    Post-Napoleonic Times
    The Industrial Revolution
    The Invention of the Steam Engine & the Railroad
    The Plight of the Factory Workers

·  Child Labor

·  Laissez-Faire

·  Capitalism and Socialism

·  The British Empire
     Queen Victoria
     British Imperialism
     British Rule in India/Gandhi
     The British in Australia
     Britain in China-The Opium Wars

·  The Boxer Rebellion

·  Africa
     The end of the slave trade
     Missionaries and Explorers
     David Livingstone & Henry M. Stanley
     Industrialism and Nationalism
     The Belgians in the Congo
     The Ashanti
     Europeans in South Africa
     The Boers and the Zulu
     Cecil Rhodes

·  Europe, Nationhood, and War

·  Nationalism and the Unification of Italy

·  Bismark and the Unification of Germany

·  Kaiser Wilhelm II

·  The Ottomans

·  American History

·  World War I
     American Neutrality
     The sinking of the Lusitania
     The Russian Revolution

·  After World War I
     Prosperity and Progress
     Henry Ford and the Model T
     Charles Lindbergh
     The History of the Film Industry
     The Roaring twenties
     The Great Depression
     Herbert Hoover
     The New Deal and Social Security
     The "Indian New Deal"
     The Dust Bowl and the "Okies"
     Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt

·  World War II
     Hitler's rise to power
     Pearl Harbor & the American entry in the war
     The Axis versus the Allies
     The Holocaust
     The women on the home front
     The internment of Japanese-Americans
     The Meeting at Yalta
     Harry Truman
     Germany surrenders
     The atomic bomb
     Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and Japan's surrender

·  The Superpowers

·  The Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan

·  The Development of the United Nations

·  The Cold War with the Soviet Union

·  The "Military-Industrial Complex"

·  The nuclear arms race

·  McCarthyism

·  The Korean War

·  America in the 1950's
     The suburbs
     Age of television
     Segregation and Civil Rights
     The "Jim Crowe" Laws
     Jackie Robinson and the Integration of Baseball
     Oliver Brown vs. the Board of Education
     Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott
     Martin Luther King, Jr.
     Civil Disobedience
     The Civil Rights March on Washington

·  The Sixties and After
     John F. Kennedy
     The Berlin Wall
     The Cuban Missile Crisis
     The Space Race
     The assassination of Kennedy
     Lyndon Johnson
     Malcolm X
     The assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr.
     Cesar Chavez
     Native Americans
     The Vietnam War
     The Hawks and the Doves
     The "generation gap"
     The Moon landing
     The End of the Cold War
     Watergate and Richard Nixon
     The Women's Liberation Movement
     The Equal Rights Amendment
     The Bicentennial Celebration

·  Map and globe skills
     Outline maps skills
     Geography facts, including the 50 states
     The Mercator projection
     Conic and plane projections

·  Deserts
      What and where are deserts
      Weather patterns and the formation of deserts
      Man-made deserts


Life Science 

·  The history of the Earth and its life forms
    Fossil records 
    Fossil formation 
    Types of fossils 
    Reading rocks 
    Telling how old the Earth is 

·  Dividing the Earth's story into chapters

·  Plant life and structure

·  Fungi

·  Ecosystems
    Balance of nature 
    Environment of local state 

·  Biological organization and classification systems
    The insect world 
    The reptile world 

·  Plants and animals of the past
Physical Science 

·  Earth and its history

·  Earthquakes and the Earth's plates

·  Faults

·  Volcanoes

·  Predicting and measuring earthquakes and volcanoes

·  Continental drift

·  How mountains are made

·  Rock formation

·  Rock and mineral classification

·  Weathering and weather's influence

·  Erosion

·  Types of weathering

·  How the Great Lakes were formed

·  The Dust Bowl Era

·  Climate and Weather

·  Seasons and their causes

·  Temperature

·  Oceans and the hydrosphere

·  Our atmosphere

·  Hot and cold air

·  How air masses affect weather and climate

·  Clouds and water vapor

·  Precipitation

·  Fronts

·  Rainbows

·  Measuring the weather

·  Air and water pollution

·  Solar system and the universe

·  Living in space

·  Geologic features

·  Energy sources

·  Electricity

·  Fossil fuels and the environment

·  Hydroelectricity

·  Nuclear energy from fission

·  Wind and solar energy

·  Geothermal energy

·  Nuclear fusion

·  Magnets and electricity

·  Marie Curie

·  Alexander Fleming

·  Elizabeth Blackwell

·  Daniel Hale Williams

Life Science 

·  Animal and plant classification 

·  Fish 

·  Reptiles 

·  Protists 

·  Molds 

·  Monerans 

·  Plants and their food 
     Sexual Reproduction in mosses and ferns 

·  Conifer seeds 

·  Flowers and flower fertilization 

·  Seed development 

·  Cells 
     Parts of a cell 

·  Human body 

·  Animal reproduction and growth 
     Development of the embryo 
     Care and growth of young 
     Growth stages 
     Human growth stages 
     Adolescence and puberty 
     The human reproductive system 

·  Asexual reproduction in larger plants and animals 

·  Biological adaptations 

·  Biological communities 

·  Pet care 
Physical Science 

·  Mechanical Concepts 
     Matter and Mass 
     Length and Time 
     Force and work 
     Energy and power 
     Heat and matter 
     Expansion and Contraction 
     Heat and temperature 

·  Transferring heat energy 

·  Electricity 
     The electric circuit 
     The light bulb 
     Alternating current 
     Volts, Amps, and Ohms 
     Electric power 
     Electrified communications 
     Motion, Engines, and Motors 
     From steam to gasoline 
     The internal combustion engine 
     Jet engines and rocket engines 

·  Isaac Newton 

·  Anton van Leeuwenhoek 

·  Ernest Just 

Life Science

·  Classification of living things

·  Ecosystems

·  Ecology and the environment

·  Conservation

·  Microbes

·  Algae and fungi

·  Food for growth and energy

·  Sexual and Asexual Reproduction
     Diploid and Haploid cells
     Cellular Mitosis and Meiosis

·  Heredity and Chromosomes
     Gregor Mendel

·  Symbiosis

·  Extinction

·  Behavior

·  Instinct and learning

·  Physical Science

·  Climate and weather

·  Recycling and resources

·  Chemistry 
     John Dalton and atoms
     The Periodic Table
     Acids, Bases, and Chemical Reactions

·  Elements and compounds

·  Elementary geology

·  Oceans

·  Water - Why ice doesn't sink

·  Universe

·  Simple astronomy

·  Space and space travel

·  Scientific theory

·  Inventions and discoveries

·  Magnets and electricity

·  Electricity and its uses

·  Atomic Energy

·  Nuclear energy and radioactivity

·  Solar and geothermal energy

·  Compass

·  Heat

·  Sound
     Speed, wavelength, and frequency
     Traveling faster than sound

·  Light 
     Nature and speed
     Rays of light
     White light and the light spectrum
     Frequency and wavelength
     When light hits an object

·  Reflectors
     Curved reflectors
     How a flashlight works

·  Refraction and lenses
     Concave and Convex

·  Cameras, telescopes, and microscopes

·  Albert Einstein

·  Percy Lavon Julian

·  Barbara McClintock

·  Severo Ochoa

·  James Watson and Francis Crick

·  Wilber and Orville Wright


Health / Safety 

·  Nutrition

·  Growth and heredity

·  Safety

·  Personal and mental hygiene

·  Dental health

·  The body and its functions
    The Respiratory system 
    The circulatory system 
        Blood vessels 
        The Heart 
        Following the circuit 
    Stopping up the system 
    Skeletal and muscular systems 
    Care and proper use of the body 

·  Principles of digestion

·  Basic food groups

·  Diseases

·  Organized sports and games

·  Creative dance

Health / Safety 

·  Skeletal and muscular systems 

·  Genetic traits 

·  Elementary first aid 

·  Dental hygiene 

·  Our water supply 

·  Sewage disposal 

·  Care of the Eyes 

·  Nutrition and Diet 

·  Diseases 

·  Germ-bearing insects and pests 

·  Community health resources 

·  Bicycle and water safety 

·  Aerobics 

·  Gymnastics 

·  Basketball 

·  Square Dance 

Health / Safety

·  Nutrition

·  Our food supply

·  A healthy diet and the food pyramid

·  Personal appearance

·  Dental health

·  Human anatomy
    The Heart
    Human reproduction and growth
    Bones and muscles
    The immune system and disease
    White blood cells

·  Infectious diseases
    Noncommunicable diseases

·  Treatment and prevention of disease

·  Drugs: Helpful and Harmful

·  Accident prevention

·  Safety and first aid

·  The health profession

·  Understanding emotions

·  Coping with stress and anxiety

·  Sports

·  Physical activities

·  Exercise and fitness


Visual Art 

·  Design in art

·  Domed churches

·  The Architecture of Abbot Sugar

·  Gothic Cathedrals

·  Rose Windows

·  Free-standing statues

·  African arts

·  Gothic styles in modern times

·  Improvisation

Visual Art 

·  Gothic to Renaissance 

·  Human form 

·  Florence and its Architecture 

·  Brunelleschi's Revolutionary design 

·  Michelangelo - The statue of David 

·  Raphael 

·  Vanishing point perspective 

·  Leonardo da Vinci - The Last Supper Fresco 

·  The Sistine Chapel 

·  Jan Van Eyck 

·  Rembrandt van Rijn 

·  Jacques-Louis David 

·  Moorish Architecture in Europe 

·  The Taj Majal 

·  The Stone Gardens of Japan 

·  Improvisation 

·  Dramatic presentations 

Visual Art

·  Greek and Roman Art

·  Realists
     Henry O. Tanner
     Winslow Homer

·  Impressionism
     Claude Monet
     Vincent Van Gogh

·  Sculpture
     Auguste Rodin

·  Abstractionism
     Pablo Picasso
     Navajo sand paintings
     Yoruba Sculpture
     Edvard Munch

·  Non-representational Art
     Nighthawks-Edward Hopper
     Christina's World-Andrew Wyeth

·  Architecture
     Frank Lloyd Wright

·  Improvisation

·  Dramatic presentations

·  Play writing



·  The Major scale
     Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti, Do 

·  Thirds

·  Chords

·  The Tonic or I Chord

·  The Dominant of V Chord
Classical Music 

·  Bach
     Four-part harmony 
     The Brandenburg Concerti 

·  Suites for Orchestra

·  The Orchestra

·  Vivaldi - The Four Seasons

·  Handel - The Messiah - Water Music

·  Britten - A Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra

·  Prokofiev - Peter and the Wolf

·  Saint-Saens - Carnival of the Animals

·  Leopold Mozart - The Toy Symphony

·  Music theory 
     Melody and Chords 
     The shape of melodies 

·  Mozart 
     The Magic Flute 
     The Beginner's Sonata 
     Hunt Quartet 
     Eine Kleine Nachtmusik 

·  Beethoven 
     Third Symphony 
     Fifth Symphony 
     Sixth Symphony 
     Violin Concerto in D 

·  Stravinsky 
     Rite of Spring 
     The Firebird Ballet 

·  Gustav Holst 
     The Planets 

·  John Philip Sousa 

·  Scott Joplin 

·  The Orchestra 

·  Keyboards 

·  Singing 
     two-part harmony 

·  Dancing 
     Tap and Folk 

·  Identification of musical instruments 

·  Music theory
     Sharps and flats: the black keys
     Whole steps and half steps
     Minor chords
     The V7 chord
     Rhythm and syncopation
     Patterns in music
     Theme and variations

·  Mozart: Piano Sonata in A, K.331, 1st movement

·  Crescendo and diminuendo

·  Singing harmony

·  Choruses

·  American Music
     Duke Ellington: Jazz
     George Gershwin: Rhapsody in Blue
     Aaron Copeland: Appalachian Spring

·  Dancing

·  Identification of musical instruments


Junior High
High School