Some Reflections on Faith Sharing
What is it?
Communicating to others how I have experienced the Lord's
presence or absence in the persons, events, situations of my life...calling me
to conversion...graced moments with others or in
ritual or explicit serendipity (moments of surprise) surrender (moments of death).
It presupposes real faith...a personal prayer life...a
continued attempt to get at my unfreedoms...genuine experience of
God...habitual consciousness in the group so I can enrich the
Why do it?
It is good for me to clarify my religious
experience...attempt to validate it.
It is good for others to help them clarify their
It is good for us to discover and develop bonds of communion
that come from sharing at a significant level.
Ultimately, it is the way the Gospel is effectively proclaimed.
How do I do it?
(Some NOTS)
Not as problem solving...we are in the realm of mystery.
Not as is a sharing of experience more than
Not as debate...there are no points to be scored. I am
the world's best expert on my own experience.
Not on the level of with concrete
particulars, not theorizing or generalizing.
Not theological reflection primarily...that's more
formulating the questions and issues arising from the experience.
Not sensitivity or psyching out...that's more how I feel
about the situation or person.
Not romanticized experience...that's making too much of or
not attempting to validate my experience by seeing what effect it has in my
(Some HELPS)
The content of what is shared: how God has acted in my
life. It is both cognitive and affective.
The way it is shared is by honest expression and reverent
Some helps include establishing a Scriptural
setting...sharing in small groups (6-8) ordinarily...realizing that lived
experience is always greater than its present expression which should lead one
to awe in the face of mystery...being non-evaluating yet reflecting together on
the experience at some time in some way to find validation for it in life, in
Scripture, in the community...respect and provision for silences during the
sharing...respect for others' freedom in sharing...owing one's own experience
by especially thanksgiving and praise.
The format should facilitate people telling what happened and how it was perceived as a faith event.
Specific suggestions for finding faith experiences include making a directed one's religious history in a sort of spiritual autobiography to discover patterns of religious behavior...recapturing peak faith experiences of the past that have significantly affected one's life...sharing one's perception of a significant community event, i.e., energy crisis, war...reflecting on and sharing what gift I think I bring to the group and the gifts others in the group bring to me...sharing of specific things I believe in, hope for, love...the ordinary on-going matter shared is my prayer experience since the last meeting...
Perhaps these reflections will help prime the pump of your own...